Case Ertl Truck Limited Collectable Series is a currently available selection of Case Ertl Trucks that are limited in production. Limited quantities available, please call our 800 number to verify stock as these items will sell out quickly. Inventory is not guaranteed and is limited to stock onhand.
Call us at 800-687-6202 Monday through Friday 9:00 until 5:30 Central Standard Time, to verify stock.
Editors note: The first edition Case Ertl Truck was a 1932 Ford Delivery Van produced in 1995. It sold for $49.99. It did not come with a knife but was a coin bank. This first edition now sells easily for $450.00 - $600.00. The yearly editions are a separate line from the other Ertl trucks; they are somewhat more collectable and much harder to obtain. There are only 2500 of the yearly edition made. A separate issue of the yearly edition, but with a Paua abalone handle was started a few years ago in 2002. These editions are only made in a quantity of 250. They are very very hard to acquire and are very desirable. The third best Ertl Truck collectables are the Case John Deer Ertl trucks; these have been very good collectables with our John Deere collectors. In my opinion, all of the Ertl trucks have been and will be good investments. Please note that Case tends to allocate the yearly editions. We began the first edition with an allocation of about 40 trucks, and we get less and less of that quantity every year as more Case dealers come on board.