Cold Steel Knives: Cold Steel Black Sjambok, 54 Inch, CS-95SLB
We tested these in the shop when they first came in. We were able to just about cut cardboard boxes in half with the large model! You could knock ticks off a bull's back with 'em once you practiced a little.
Sjamboks are used in Africa for herding cattle and for self-defense. Traditional sjamboks are carved whole out of hippopotamus hide.
The Cold Steel Sjambok features an extruded plastic lash with a 1/2 inch diameter at the tip. The Kray-Ex handle, 10 1/4 inches long, is made to resemble braided leather and comes with a lanyard. The illustrated Black Cold Steel Sjambok has an overall length of 54 inches, and weighs 14.2 ounces.
Cold Steel Knives: Cold Steel Black Sjambok, 54 Inch, CS-95SLB
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